The Creative and Cultural Champions Network has been set up by Young Creative Bucks CEP.

Our mission is for every young person in Bucks to have an equal opportunity to access arts and culture, to fulfil their creative curiosity, develop their talent and to discover, explore and pursue career opportunities into the creative industries.

What is the Creative and Cultural Champions Network?

The role of a Creative and Cultural Champion is to advocate for and embed creativity and cultural activities across the curriculum. They will become part of an active network providing access to further support, CPD and opportunities to both connect and engage with arts & culture organisations from across Bucks and the creative sector more widely.

Our aim is to ensure that every school in Buckinghamshire has a Creative and Cultural Champion, working in partnership across the region to embed a creative and cultural entitlement for all young people.

Who is the network for?

The network is for educators in Buckinghamshire, this can be head teachers, senior leadership, subject leads, class teachers, career leads and TA’s with an interest in the arts and/or teaching creatively.

Schools can have more than one champion, but the idea is that there should be at least one in every school.


You can join the network at any point through the year. Being part of the network will mean that you have an efficient communication channel to support and opportunities from Young Creative Bucks and their partners.

If you join the network before the 23rd of May 2025 you will qualify for a FREE ticket to our Cultural Education CPD & Networking Conference

To join the Creative and Cultural Champions Network please complete the application form in via the link below:

Click here to apply to become a member