Young Creative Bucks is the Buckinghamshire Cultural Education Partnership (CEP). It is entering a new and exciting phase. The partnership provides the energy, vision, time, and commitment necessary to make sure the emerging cultural and creative entitlement for young people begins to develop further.

CEPs bring together arts and cultural organisations working with young people, schools and other education providers, businesses, health and social care practitioners, police and crime and other bodies to ensure all children and young people can take part in and have a voice in arts and culture in Buckinghamshire supported by Artswork, SE Bridge. They also increase access to arts and cultural experience, including for children and young people who experience disadvantage and marginalisation.

You can check out our mission, vision and values here.

Your Commitment

All partners, whether schools, arts and cultural organisations or individual practitioners will commit to engaging with the strategy and emerging action plans with positivity and collaboration. We recognise that different partners will have different things to contribute, and all contributions should be equally respected as adding to the whole.

All partners will be encouraged to participate in other meetings/events and to maintain an active connection with cultural education development across the county.


•To advocate for the creative and cultural entitlement for all young people in Bucks

•To support the delivery of the cultural education strategy and to contribute to action strands that are appropriate to the organisation or individual at a level that is mutually beneficial

•To build and maintain positive and valuable collaborative working relationships with other partners

•To ensure that the partnership group uses resources exclusively in line with the strategy and the resulting action strands and objectives

•To use all their relevant skills, experience, local, regional, and national experience and understanding to contribute to the development of the partnership

•To actively promote partnership development activities within their networks and beyond

•To actively encourage other potential partners in the Bucks landscape to get involved in either the partnership or specific activities

•To ensure that all activity is underpinned by an ethos of equality of opportunity that ensures inclusivity and reaches out to all young people and challenges inequities because of the intersectionality of individual/group characteristics

•To play an active role in promoting understanding and pathways into careers in creative industries

This partnership agreement is designed to encourage participation and to ensure commitment at this emerging stage of the CEP. It will be reviewed in July 2024 to determine whether it needs adding to, formalising, or amending in the light of the experience of this academic year. This may be informed by further discussions of the status of the CEP in the future.

If you agree to the commitments and responsibilities set out above and would like to become one of our partners, you will be automatically added to our database, invited t all partnership meetings and feature on our website.

For your organisation to feature on our website please complete the form below:

    Organisation or Practitioner Name

    Who will the main contact be?

    Email Address?

    Contact Number?


    Details about you or your organisation. (50 words max)

    Please upload your logo here.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the heart.

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